Water Ski & Wake Alberta (WSWA) is very pleased to announce The Vern Oberg Legacy Scholarship.  This scholarship has been established in memory of the dedication, commitment and love for the sport of water skiing that Vern relentlessly demonstrated. 

Vern was a member of WSWA from the early days of the organization. He was also a dedicated Water Ski & Wakeboard Canada (WSWC) member as well as an active member of the Pan Am Region of the International Water Ski & Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) where he made changes and impacted the sport at a global level.

Throughout his life Vern dedicated his time and expertise to the sport of water skiing and shared his experience and knowledge as a Pan Am Judge, Driver, Technical Controller and Chief of Competition to all those involved in Water Ski Canada and the sport at Large.

This Scholarship was established in 2018.  The Recipients will receive a monetary scholarship to use towards their training or education. 

*2024 Applications Now Closed*

Vern Oberg Legacy Scholarship Criteria

Vern was always impressed by young athletes who not only had talent but made a commitment to their development in the sport. He quietly encouraged many young athletes and was always willing to help, to coach, to take time to drive the boat and send notes of encouragement.

Vern was an Engineering graduate who recognized the importance of education and the challenges encountered by pursuing both athletics and education. The Vern Oberg Legacy Scholarship has been created to provide financial support for the athletic development and academic pursuits of Alberta athletes who best exhibit drive, determination, and commitment to excellence in the sport of Water Skiing and Education.

​Skiers can apply for the Vern Oberg Legacy Scholarship each year.


The skiers selected shall best exemplify the qualities of drive, determination, and commitment to excellence in both the sport of Water Skiing and Academics


  • WSWA Member in good standing and a Canadian Citizen (provide picture of passport)

  • Nationally rated competitor skiing for Alberta (non-carded)

  • Must be a registered student

  • Have a love and passion for the sport of water skiing

  • Demonstrate a commitment to training and development

CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION: (or Additional factors to be considered)​

  • Multi Event or Overall Skier

  • Set a Canadian Record

  • Placement at Special Event Tournaments

  • Maintains a strong academic standing (copy of current transcript required)

  • Active official and volunteer (provide details)

  • Consistently demonstrates Honor, Integrity and Sportsmanship

  • Set a Provincial Record

  • Consideration may be given to those athletes who have not yet received the Scholarship