Applications Currently Closed


  • Support and administer and maintain the development program and the junior team. 

  • In our Strategic Plan deliverables: train to train and train to compete.

  • Demonstrate clear pathways, athlete progression from train to train to train to compete. 

  • On the junior team, provide opportunities for international competition or ski for life.  

  • Provide training opportunities with Alberta provincial team coaches in both the North and South zone.

  • Provide access to elite level coaching for all junior team athletes

  • Provide development opportunities for Alberta team coaches

  • Provide opportunities for development team athletes to progress to Junior Team


  • Identify and make partnerships with local clubs and summer camps to deliver our programs.

  • Determine and oversee partners that use our Rip N Ride Skill Progression Program.

  • Develop strategies for promoting Rip n Ride to coaches, clubs and schools.

  • Work with the Lake Ambassador Program to identify people in zones and public lakes to be ambassadors of WSWA.

  • Work with different grassroots programs such as Little Rippers, New Kids on the Water, Alberta Rippers, and others.

  • Support all Learn to Train opportunities.

  • Demonstrate clear pathways and athlete progression from early grassroots to Learn to Train and Learn to Compete.

  • Provide development opportunities for coaches.

  • Support the WSWA Indoor Water Ski Program.

  • Develop and maintain a grassroots recreation tour for water ski and wake.

  • Develop adult learn to ski, wakeboard, wakesurf opportunities.


  • Develop awareness and accessibility for Adaptive person/athletes to the joys of water skiing through give it a go days.

  • Increase membership in the association.

  • To start to establish independent adaptive skiers in the province who will progress and learn to ski independently and to compete.

  • Develop more coaches and drivers across the province to facilitate accessibility for the above.


  • Develop long term strategic plan for coach development within Alberta (specific attention should also be paid to developing Female coaches in AB).

  • Identify trained coaches interested in pursuing certification; identify Learning Facilitators to become Evaluators.

  • Plan and execute 2022 coach development program (should include more formalized professional development opportunities).

  • Wake and Water Ski both need to be considered in the coach development strategy

  • Influence NSO legislation of certification requirements and sport specific content (wake surf module etc.)

  • Leverage and promote multi-sport modules and continuing education modules through CAC 

  • Work with Wake Committee to complete Rip N Ride Cards for wakesurf

  • Develop pathways for water ski Officials

  • Develop clinics and courses for officials development

  • Develop database of WSWA officials


  • Administer the Vern Oberg Legacy Scholarship, including determining and communicating the criteria of such scholarship, and recommending recipients of such scholarship, if any, on an annual basis


  • Support and administer and maintain the junior wake team.

  • In our Strategic Plan deliverables: train to train and train to compete.

  • Demonstrate clear pathways, athlete progression from train to train to train to compete, international competition or wakesurf and wakeboard for life.

  • Provide training opportunities with Alberta team coaches

  • Organize and run all the stops on the AB Wake Tour


  • Liaise with other clubs and schools to execute events.

  • Responsible for find a host site for Water Ski Provincials and help to run and organize Water Ski Provincials.

  • Develop the Rec Series Slalom Tour

  • Offer support to facilities hosting water ski events

  • Continue to Develop Provincials Hosting Guidelines


  • Update and maintain the current year Marketing Plan

  • The purpose of this document is to create a roadmap for the coming season for introducing and delivering our programs and events to existing members and potential new members.

  • Create the current year's communication plan with social media, e-newsletters, blogs and website updates.

  • Look to form partnerships with retailers, boat dealers, other businesses 

  • Promo materials

  • New logo design and branding -

  • Lake ambassador program marketing

  • Keep current marketing document for sharing and mailout