Safe Sport Officer (Third Party): Jeffrey Raphael
Phone: 416-594-1812 Fax: 416-594-0868
E-mail: jraphael@raphaelbar.com
Water Ski and Wake Association of Alberta adheres to the Safe Sport policy set forth by Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada, ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants. Below is the policy outlined by Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada:
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is committed to providing its members in the Towed Water Sport community across Canada with a safe learning, training, competitive and participation environment. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada puts the utmost importance on the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of our participating towed sport members. In order to ensure this, Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is dedicating a great deal of time and resources to establish policies, procedures, initiatives, trainings and programs that will create a sport environment across Canada that will provide a safe place for our Towed Water Sports participants.
As mandated by Sport Canada, Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is committed to providing Safe Sport Training to key Coaches, Officials, Judges, Athletes, Staff and Volunteers to ensure a sport environment that is safe for all participants. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada will offer the training through the Respect in Sport Group – https://www.respectgroupinc.com/ online education platform. This training platform will help anyone involved in sport identify and prevent situations of maltreatment. Completion of the training modules that are part of the education platform will be verified by Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada and recorded in our database system.
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada has zero tolerance for harassment, bullying and abuse, and treats all complaints as very serious matters. All Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada Members (Coaches, Athletes, Judges, Officials, Volunteers) as well as Staff and Contractors have agreed to living by the Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada Code of Conduct and Ethics and all associated policies and procedures which relate to the organizations’ commitment to Safe Sport. The following Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada can be found on our website – https://wswc.ca/policies/
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada has access to the Canadian Sport Helpline as well as having put in place a third-party Reporting and Investigation process provided by Player’s Health. The third-party Reporting and Investigation process is available to all Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada Members. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is committed to following the complaints, investigations and discipline procedures outlined in the above policies to ensure the provision of a fair and reasonable process for handling complaints within a timely manner.
Please see Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada’s process map below for all issues related to Safe Sport.
For more information please email us at info@wswc.ca
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is dedicated to building awareness, and influencing behavior, in relation to head injuries through education, policies and return to play/competition protocols. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada has created a Concussion Management page that provides detailed information on Concussion Management and links to additional resources on the subject.
Our Concussion Policy and Protocols document can also be found on our Policies page here – https://wswc.ca/policies/concussion-management/ Pre-Season Concussion Education will be a part of the membership registration process for all members of Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada recommends all Coaches working at any level of Towed Water Sports to familiarize themselves with the Concussion Management information as well as accessing the additional resources available on the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) – https://sirc.ca/concussion/ and Parachute Canada. https://parachute.ca/en/injury-topic/concussion/
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is committed to encouraging equity across all areas of the organization to provide and environment that is open and respectful to everyone, regardless of ethnicity, age, religion, race or gender identity. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada Equity and Inclusion Policy – https://wswc.ca/policies/equity-inclusion-policy/ is an over-arching policy for all members to adopt to ensure that Towed Water Sports can continue to grow while insuring they are accessible and inclusive of everyone.
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada has also created a Gender Equity and Recognition Policy – https://wswc.ca/policies/gender-equity-and-recognition-policy/ to encourage equity across genders and provide a safe and welcoming sport environment regardless of an individual’s gender identity.
As a member of Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada, or as a participant in Water Ski and Wakeboard, the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) applies to you. It is important to know that by participating in activities sanctioned by Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada, you are subject to the CADP and, accordingly, may be selected for doping control.
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) is the custodian of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), the set of rules that govern anti-doping in Canada. The CADP consists of several components such as in- and out-of-competition testing, education, medical exemptions, and the consequences of doping violations. The CADP is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code and all international standards.
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada has adopted the CADP which means that you can be confident that you are part of a world-class anti-doping program that is designed to protect athletes’ rights and ensure a level playing field. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada’s Anti-Doping Policy – https://wswc.ca/policies/anti-doping-policy/ reflect and support the CADP.
While the CCES administers anti-doping for the Canadian sport community, you may also be subject to the rules of the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation. (IWWF) Learn more about IWWF Anti-Doping policies and procedures. – https://iwwf.sport/athletes/anti-doping/
Important Information
Doping Control
Review the sample collection procedures. http://cces.ca/sample-collection-procedures
Know your anti-doping rights and responsibilities. http://cces.ca/athletes-rights-and-responsibilities
Always comply with a testing request if you are notified for doping control. http://cces.ca/sample-collection-procedures
Prohibited Substances & Methods
Check all medications and products before taking them to ensure they do not contain ingredients that are banned in sport. http://cces.ca/checkmeds
Verify your medical exemption requirements. http://cces.ca/medical-exemptions
Learn about the doping risks associated with supplement use and how to minimize them. http://cces.ca/supplements
Sign up to receive CCES media releases and advisory notes and get the latest anti-doping news. http://cces.ca/subscribe
Follow the CCES on social media:
Facebook: @CanadianCentreforEthicsinSport
Twitter: @EthicsinSPORT
Additional Resources and Information
Read more about the Canadian Anti-Doping Program http://cces.ca/canadian-anti-doping-program
The World Anti-Doping Agency works towards a vision of a world where all athletes compete in a doping-free sporting environment. http://wada-ama.org/
Become a member of the True Sport Movement – a movement that is based on the simple idea that good sport can make a great difference. www.truesport.ca
Report Doping
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada and the CCES need your help to eliminate doping! To report doping activity, call the hotline at 1-800-710-CCES, download the app for Android or iOS, or fill in the online form.Contact
For additional resources and more about anti-doping, please contact the CCES:
Email: info@cces.ca
Call toll-free: 1-800-672-7775
Online: http://cces.ca/contact-us